LPVOID WINAPI VirtualAlloc( __in_opt LPVOID lpAddress, __in SIZE_T dwSize, __in DWORD flAllocationType, __in DWORD flProtect );
Value | Meaning |
Allocates physical storage in memory or in the paging file on disk for the specified reserved memory pages. The function initializes the memory to zero. To reserve and commit pages in one step, call VirtualAlloc with MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE. The function fails if you attempt to commit a page that has not been reserved. The resulting error code is ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS. An attempt to commit a page that is already committed does not cause the function to fail. This means that you can commit pages without first determining the current commitment state of each page. |
Reserves a range of the process's virtual address space without allocating any actual physical storage in memory or in the paging file on disk. You can commit reserved pages in subsequent calls to the VirtualAlloc function. To reserve and commit pages in one step, call VirtualAlloc with MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE. Other memory allocation functions, such as malloc and LocalAlloc, cannot use a reserved range of memory until it is released. |
Indicates that data in the memory range specified by lpAddress and dwSize is no longer of interest. The pages should not be read from or written to the paging file. However, the memory block will be used again later, so it should not be decommitted. This value cannot be used with any other value. Using this value does not guarantee that the range operated on with MEM_RESET will contain zeroes. If you want the range to contain zeroes, decommit the memory and then recommit it. When you specify MEM_RESET, the VirtualAlloc function ignores the value offlProtect. However, you must still set flProtect to a valid protection value, such as PAGE_NOACCESS. VirtualAlloc returns an error if you use MEM_RESET and the range of memory is mapped to a file. A shared view is only acceptable if it is mapped to a paging file. |
간단한 예를 보면,
ptr = (int *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(int)*10, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); VirtualFree(ptr, sizeof(int)*10,MEM_DECOMMIT); VirtualFree(ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);VirtualFree에 대한 설명이 빠졌는데 메모리 해제 함수다. MEM_DECOMMIT은 확정 해제, MEM_RELEASE는 예약 해제다. 메모리 할당도 MEM_RESERVE와 MEM_COMMIT를 같이 불러 호출하거나 따로 각각 두번 호출해야 한다. malloc보다 좀 번거롭긴 하다.
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